VectorDraw Developer Framework(VDF)是一個用于應(yīng)用程序可視化的圖形引擎庫。有了VDF提供的功能,您可以輕松地創(chuàng)建、編輯、管理、輸出、輸入和打印2D和3D圖形文件。
VectorDraw Developer Framework試用版下載
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { vdDocument doc = vdFramedControl1.BaseControl.ActiveDocument; doc.New(); doc.Open(@"c:\test\mv.vdcl");// load a drawing that contains multiviews doc.ActiveLayOut = doc.LayOuts.FindName("Four_Left"); // set the active layout doc.Redraw(true); doc.ActiveLayOut.ActiveViewPort = doc.ActiveLayOut.Entities[1] as vdViewport; //set the activeViewport vdViewport vLeft = doc.ActiveLayOut.ActiveViewPort; // for this viewport we will get its coordinates in screen pixels Box bbox = vLeft.BoundingBox; // in World Coordinate System gPoint LR = bbox.LowerRight; // in World CS gPoint UL = bbox.UpperLeft;// in World CS Matrix matView2Pixel = doc.ActiveLayOut.Pixel2ViewMatrix.GetInvertion(); Matrix matWorld2View=doc.ActiveLayOut.World2ViewMatrix; UL = matWorld2View.Transform(UL); // from World CS to View CS UL = matView2Pixel.Transform(UL); // From View CS to Pixels LR = matWorld2View.Transform(LR); // from World CS to View CS LR = matView2Pixel.Transform(LR); // From View CS to Pixels Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(new Point((int)UL.x,(int)UL.y),new Size((int)(LR.x-UL.x),(int)(LR.y-UL.y)));// this is the viewport rectangle Rectangle onScreen = vdFramedControl1.BaseControl.RectangleToScreen(rc); // from VDF control's pixels to screen pixels // here you get the Upper/left point in screen pixels (onScreen.Location) // and the lower-right point like OnScreen.X+OnScreen.Width , OnScreen.Y+onScreen.Height // Display the results: doc.Prompt("\r\n ---- Active Viewport in Screen pixels, ------"); doc.Prompt(null); doc.Prompt("\r\n UpperLeft point: " + onScreen.Location.ToString()); doc.Prompt(null); doc.Prompt("\r\n LowerRight point: X=" + (onScreen.X + onScreen.Width).ToString() + " , Y=" + (onScreen.Y + onScreen.Height).ToString()); doc.Prompt(null); }
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