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    文檔首頁>>E-iceblue中文文檔>>將文本水印和圖像水印添加到 Word 文檔

    將文本水印和圖像水印添加到 Word 文檔

    文字水印和圖片水印是Word文檔中的兩種水印。文本水印總是顯示一些與單詞上下文相關(guān)的附加信息。而圖像水印用于使Word文檔更具吸引力。本節(jié)將演示如何使用 Spire.Doc 在 C# 中為 Word 文檔添加文本水印和圖像水印。

    Spire.Doc for.NET 最新下載

    在 C# 中添加圖像水?。?/span>
    using Spire.Doc;
    namespace SetImageWatermark
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    //create a new instance of Document and load the document from file.
    Document doc = new Document();
    doc.LoadFromFile("Sample.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013);
    //create a new instance of the PictureWatermark and load the picture from file.
    PictureWatermark picture = new PictureWatermark();
    picture.Picture = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("logo.png");
    //set the image watermark scaling and Washout property
    picture.Scaling = 20;
    picture.IsWashout = false;
    //add the picture watermark
    doc.Watermark = picture;
    //save the document to file
    doc.SaveToFile("ImageWatermark.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013);

    在 C# 中將文本水印和圖像水印添加到 Word 文檔

    在 C# 中添加文本水印:
    using Spire.Doc;
    using Spire.Doc.Documents;
    using System.Drawing;
    namespace SetTextWatermark
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    //create a new instance of Document and load the document from file.
    Document doc = new Document();
    doc.LoadFromFile("Sample.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013);
    //create a new instance of the TextWatermark
    TextWatermark txtWatermark = new TextWatermark();
    //set the text watermark with text string, font, color and layout.
    txtWatermark.Text = "Confidential";
    txtWatermark.FontSize = 45;
    txtWatermark.Color = Color.Green;
    txtWatermark.Layout = WatermarkLayout.Diagonal;
    //add the text watermark
    doc.Watermark = txtWatermark;
    //save the file.
    doc.SaveToFile("TextWatermark.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013);

    在 C# 中將文本水印和圖像水印添加到 Word 文檔


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