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  • Xceed Encryption Library (該產(chǎn)品已停用) (產(chǎn)品編號:10211)



    開發(fā)商: Xceed Software

    當(dāng)前版本: 1.1



    平臺語言:VCL|Activex & COM


    本產(chǎn)品的分類與介紹僅供參考,具體以商家網(wǎng)站介紹為準,如有疑問請來電 023-68661681 咨詢。


    Xceed Encryption Library is an ActiveX component that supports the latest industry-standard strong encryption algorithms and offers both symmetrical and public-key cryptography. It allows you to encrypt or decrypt memory buffers, strings, blobs, streaming data or files. Does not depend on the Microsoft CryptoAPI.

    * 關(guān)于本產(chǎn)品的分類與介紹僅供參考,精準產(chǎn)品資料以官網(wǎng)介紹為準,如需購買請先行測試。

      The Xceed Encryption Library is a component for Windows developers that allows applications to encrypt and decrypt data using the latest industry standard strong encryption algorithms.

      Encryption can be used not only to protect data so that it can only be accessed by the intended partie(s), but also to digitally sign documents and to verify their authenticity.

    Encryption types

      The library supports both traditional secret-key encryption as well as public-key encryption, and can encrypt or decrypt memory buffers, strings, blobs, streaming data or files.

      For traditional strong encryption, the library supports the new AES (US Advanced Encryption Standard) symmetric encryption algorithm known as Rijndael which uses 128, 192 or 256-bit keys. It also supports Twofish, the runner-up candidate for AES. For public-key encryption, the library offers the well-known RSA algorithm with unlimited key sizes.

    ActiveX Technology

    • A single fully self-contained COM object and ActiveX control written with ATL 3.0.

    • Requires no external DLLs, ATL, MFC or runtime libraries.

    • Both single-threaded (STA) and multi-threaded apartment (MTA) model design.

    • Instantiate the component dynamically without putting it on a form.

    • Supports multiple instances running simultaneously.

    • When running on Windows NT, 2000 or XP, the library automatically switches to native Unicode API calls for best performance.

    • ActiveX control interface has all constants, enumerations and types built-in. Code completion, property categories, help strings and context-sensitive F1-help fully supported.

    • Works with all 32-bit development environments that can use ActiveX controls, including VB, VC++, Delphi, C++ Builder, VFP, Office, Web scripting languages, ASP and DCOM projects.

    Encryption technology

    • Supports both strong secret-key encryption and public-key encryption.

    • Supports the new Advanced Encryption Standard Rijndael algorithm, the Twofish algorithm and the RSA encryption algorithm (RSAES-OAEP).

    • Secret-key (symmetrical) encryption support for 128, 192 or 256-bit keys.

    • Public-key (asymmetrical) encryption supports keys of 338 bits and up.

    • Supports Electronic Code Book (ECB) and Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) encryption modes.

    • Offers the modern SHA-2 and HAVAL hash functions

    Major operations

    • Fast, low memory usage algorithms.

    • Encrypt and decrypt data

    • Digitally sign data

    • Verify data against a digital signature

    • Hash data (create message digests)

    • Sophisticated random number generator

    • Process data directly from one memory buffer to another.

    • Process data from file to memory or from memory to file.

    • Process data from one file to another.

    • All functions modes support streaming data.

    • Settable initialization vector for Cipher Block Chaining encryption mode.

    • Compare data byte-for-byte

    • RFC-2437 compliant

    • Offers all the tools you need to create a digital envelope

    • Can efficiently work with the Xceed Streaming Compression Library and the Xceed Binary Encoding Library to compress, decompress, encode or decode data before encrypting or decrypting it.

    Documentation and samples

    • Can efficiently work with the Xceed Streaming Compression Library and the Xceed Binary Encoding Library to compress, decompress, encode or decode data before encrypting or decrypting it.

    • Fully commented sample applications for various languages, including VB, Delphi, Visual C++ with ATL and MFC, C++ Builder and Active Server Pages.

    更新時間:2016-02-14 10:16:21.000 | 錄入時間:2004-04-07 00:00:00.000 | 責(zé)任編輯:胡濤


    掃碼聯(lián)系 獲取幫助

  • 產(chǎn)品功能:加密/解密
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:14355
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v7.4 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: The Enigma Protector 正式授權(quán)
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  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:14361
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v5.7 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: PNFSoftware 正式授權(quán)
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  • 產(chǎn)品功能:加密/解密
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:14386
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v3.3.3.20655 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: 北京深思數(shù)盾科技 正式授權(quán)
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  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:12399
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v6.9.8 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: Eziriz 正式授權(quán)
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  • 產(chǎn)品功能:加密/解密
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:10676
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v6.5.4 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: PreEmptive 正式授權(quán)
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