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  • Zend Core授權購買
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    Zend Core (該產(chǎn)品已停用) (產(chǎn)品編號:11628)

    功能強大的數(shù)據(jù)庫類控件,Zend 公司可靠產(chǎn)品。


    開發(fā)商: Zend

    當前版本: v2.5





    本產(chǎn)品的分類與介紹僅供參考,具體以商家網(wǎng)站介紹為準,如有疑問請來電 023-68661681 咨詢。


    You can benefit from Zend expertise by using Zend Core – Zend’s certified PHP distribution. It includes the most reliable and up-to-date version of PHP, tested PHP extensions, database drivers and other enhancements. Zend Core is bundled with Zend Framework (the leading open-source PHP framework), Apache and MySQL and IBM DB2 Express-C databases. Zend Core also support IIS web servers, Informix and Oracle databases. The complete stack is built, tested and benchmarked to ensure optimum reliability and performance for Linux, Windows, Unix, i5/OS and Macintosh servers.


    * 關于本產(chǎn)品的分類與介紹僅供參考,精準產(chǎn)品資料以官網(wǎng)介紹為準,如需購買請先行測試。

    Improved PHP Performance and Reliability on Windows?
    Zend and Microsoft have formed a multi-year strategic collaboration, to enhance the reliability and performance of PHP on the Windows platform. In response to joint customer demand, the two companies have created the first true production-quality PHP environment for Windows.

    PHP 5.2
    PHP 5.2 is the fastest, most robust and reliable PHP version available. Zend certifies that this version is optimum for production environments. PHP 5 supports object oriented programming, easy web services and XML, and much more.

    Unified "stack" installer
    Simplified installation of the full PHP application stack, including web server, databases, extensions and Zend Framework, now with the capability for unattended deployment to work with leading system management tools.

    Zend Admin GUI
    Easy, web-based configuration performance benchmarking, easy configuration of extensions and monitoring for your PHP applications. The GUI also includes phpMyAdmin for web based MySQL administration.

    Zend Core Subscriptions
    Enables users to easily apply software updates from Zend Network, to keep their Zend Core version current with the latest patches, roll back to earlier releases, etc.

    Zend Optimizer and Debugger
    These extensions make it easy for PHP developers to ensure the quality of their PHP applications and to protect their applications from unauthorized use.

    Bundled Zend Framework
    Zend Framework is the industry leading open-source software framework for PHP 5 designed to simplify the development of next generation Web 2.0 applications. It eliminates the tedious details of coding, letting you focus on the big picture so you can get your applications done sooner. Its strength is in its highly-modular MVC design, making your code more reliable, reusable and easier to maintain. Please check it out — you may be surprised at how much it can help you.

    Universal DB Support
    Zend has packaged support for the most common databases in Zend Core. Zend, working with its database partners IBM, MySQL, and Oracle, has created a set of certified set of database drivers that are bundled with Zend Core. This provides a simplified install process and gives customers the out of the box database connectivity needed by most web applications.

    Bundled Apache Web Server
    Zend Core includes a bundled copy of the Apache web server. providing an easy to install LAMP/WAMP stack. In addition, the product supports configuration using the Microsoft IIS web server and existing Apache web servers.

    更新時間:2009-12-18 16:07:41.000 | 錄入時間:2008-03-12 11:41:16.000 | 責任編輯:吉偉偉



  • 產(chǎn)品功能:IDE集成開發(fā)環(huán)境
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:14323
  • 當前版本:v2023.3 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: JetBrains 正式授權
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  • 產(chǎn)品功能:IDE集成開發(fā)環(huán)境
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:14321
  • 當前版本:v2024.2 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: JetBrains 正式授權
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  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:
  • 當前版本:v12 [銷售以商家最新版為準,如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: Embarcadero 正式授權
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