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  • MetaFiler (該產(chǎn)品已停用) (產(chǎn)品編號:11621)


    開發(fā)商: webSupergoo

    當(dāng)前版本: 2.0



    平臺語言:Activex & COM


    本產(chǎn)品的分類與介紹僅供參考,具體以商家網(wǎng)站介紹為準(zhǔn),如有疑問請來電 023-68661681 咨詢。


    Now you can easily create file metadata and store it with the file. The information moves with the file and independent of the file name so you never need to worry about losing or mislaying it. It's invisible, blindingly fast and you can store any kind of information - text, images, binary data, XML - anything!

    * 關(guān)于本產(chǎn)品的分類與介紹僅供參考,精準(zhǔn)產(chǎn)品資料以官網(wǎng)介紹為準(zhǔn),如需購買請先行測試。

    MetaFiler takes advantage of some of the more advanced features of the NTFS file system. NTFS supports what are known as Named Streams. Named Streams are separate data associated with a traditional file.

    Microsoft use Named Streams to allow Macintosh Resource Forks to be saved and served using Windows Services for Macintosh (SFM). Because Named Streams are invisible to most applications, Windows users can see the same files as Macintosh users while Macintosh users get the features they need for their platform.

    Microsoft also use Named Streams for caching thumbnails in the Explorer Thumbnail view. This means that thumbnails only ever need to be generated once instead of every time you view the file.

    Unfortunately some of the APIs for accessing Named Streams are complicated, fairly low level and badly documented - something which has always limited adoption. However MetaFiler hides all these complications for you and just lets you get on with what you want to do.

    Because Named Streams are essential for Windows, Microsoft has ensured that products work properly with them wherever it's necessary. So although you may not be able to see Named Streams, when you copy files from one place to another the streams will go with the file. Similarly, if you use backup software, all streams are backed up, not just the ones you can see.

    Because MetaFiler is Unicode compliant throughout, you can use it with any language from English to Arabic to Korean.

    更新時間:2008-04-09 11:06:44.000 | 錄入時間:2008-03-12 11:10:12.000 | 責(zé)任編輯:

  • 產(chǎn)品功能:文檔管理
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:14310
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v22.4 [銷售以商家最新版為準(zhǔn),如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: ASPOSE 正式授權(quán)
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  • 產(chǎn)品功能:文檔管理
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:11102
  • 當(dāng)前版本:V10.0.4700 [銷售以商家最新版為準(zhǔn),如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: Add-in Express 正式授權(quán)
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  • 產(chǎn)品功能:文檔管理
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:11188
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v6.19.0.2 [銷售以商家最新版為準(zhǔn),如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: PDF Tools AG 正式授權(quán)
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  • 產(chǎn)品功能:文檔管理
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:12807
  • 當(dāng)前版本:2021 [銷售以商家最新版為準(zhǔn),如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: Qoppa Software 正式授權(quán)
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  • 產(chǎn)品功能:文檔管理
  • 源 碼:非開源
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:14219
  • 當(dāng)前版本:v7.4.1 [銷售以商家最新版為準(zhǔn),如需其他版本,請來電咨詢]
  • 開 發(fā) 商: E-iceblue 正式授權(quán)
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