GoJS是一款功能強(qiáng)大,快速且輕量級的流程圖控件,可幫助你在JavaScript 和HTML5 Canvas程序中創(chuàng)建流程圖,且極大地簡化您的JavaScript / Canvas 程序。
- Shape.graduatedStart / TextBlock.graduatedStart- 沿主筆劃的小數(shù)距離,在該筆劃或標(biāo)簽處開始繪制
- Shape.graduatedEnd / TextBlock.graduatedEnd- 沿主筆觸的小數(shù)距離,超出該距離將不會繪制此刻度或標(biāo)簽
- GraphObject.alignmentFocus- 刻度線或標(biāo)簽上與計(jì)算的路徑點(diǎn)對齊的點(diǎn),默認(rèn)為頂部中心
- GraphObject.segmentOffset- 從主筆畫偏移TextBlock標(biāo)簽的程度-Y值指定距路徑的距離
- GraphObject.segmentOrientation- 如何相對于主筆畫旋轉(zhuǎn)TextBlock標(biāo)簽
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 H400" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10", graduatedStart: .25, graduatedEnd: .75 }) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 H400" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10", alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Bottom }) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 H400" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10 M0 20 V30", alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Center }) ));
設(shè)置segmentOffset標(biāo)簽可以使它們在刻度線附近更具可讀性:diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 H400" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10" }), // offset to display below ticks $(go.TextBlock, { segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 12) }) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 H400" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10" }), // change the angle of the text $(go.TextBlock, { segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientMinus90 }) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 H400" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10", alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Bottom }), $(go.TextBlock, { alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Left, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, -12), segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientMinus90 } ) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 L285 285" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10", alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Bottom }), $(go.TextBlock, { alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Left, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, -12), segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientMinus90 } ) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, "Curve1", { desiredSize: new go.Size(285, 285) }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10", alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Bottom }), $(go.TextBlock, { alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Left, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, -12), segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientMinus90 } ) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 A120 120 0 0 1 200 0" }), // an arc $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10" }), $(go.TextBlock, { segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 12), segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong } ) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 A120 120 0 0 1 200 0" }), // an arc $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10" }), $(go.TextBlock, { segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 12), segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong } ) ));
diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V-400" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10", alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Top }), $(go.TextBlock, { alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Left, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 12) } ) ));
最后,如果方向是Link.OrientNone, Link.OrientAlong或Link.OrientUpright之一,則將考慮標(biāo)簽上指定的任何角度。對于“沿”和“垂直”,將在TextBlock的點(diǎn)將角度添加到主路徑的坡度。diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Spot", $(go.Panel, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 L100 0 100 100 L0 100" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10" }), $(go.TextBlock, { interval: 5, angle: 45, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 12) } ) ), $(go.TextBlock, "None") )); diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Spot", $(go.Panel, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 L100 0 100 100 L0 100" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10" }), $(go.TextBlock, { interval: 5, angle: 45, segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 12) } ) ), $(go.TextBlock, "Along") )); diagram.add( $(go.Part, "Spot", $(go.Panel, "Graduated", $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 L100 0 100 100 L0 100" }), $(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10" }), $(go.TextBlock, { interval: 5, angle: 45, segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientUpright, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 12) } ) ), $(go.TextBlock, "Upright") ));