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    //open document
    Document pdfDocument = new Document("input.pdf");
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    'open document
    Dim pdfDocument As New Document("input.pdf")
    'set different document properties
    'sepcify to position document's window - Default: false
    pdfDocument.CenterWindow = True
    'predominant reading order; determins the position of page
    'when displayed side by side - Default: L2R
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    'if false, title bar displays PDF file name - Default: false
    pdfDocument.DisplayDocTitle = True
    'specify whether to resize the document's window to fit the size of
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    pdfDocument.FitWindow = True
    'specify whether to hide menu bar of the viewer application - Default: false
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    'specify whether to hide UI elements like scroll bars
    'and leaving only the page contents displayed - Default: false
    pdfDocument.HideWindowUI = True
    'document's page mode. specify how to display document on exiting full-screen mode.
    pdfDocument.NonFullScreenPageMode = PageMode.UseOC
    'specify the page layout i.e. single page, one column
    pdfDocument.PageLayout = PageLayout.TwoColumnLeft
    'specify how the document should display when opened
    'i.e. show thumbnails, full-screen, show attachment panel
    pdfDocument.PageMode = PageMode.UseThumbs
    'save updated PDF file

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